пятница 17 апреляadmin
Alien Rage Unlimited Gameplay 5,7/10 6896 reviews

Gameplay Icon. Alien Rage describes itself as an “old-school shooter,” yet it uses regenerating health and a two-weapon inventory (plus an infinite-ammo pistol). That's pretty much the exact opposite of old-school.

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Follow the on screen tips and go towards the objective marker
First enemies show up now, shoot the glowing red stuff for it to explode
After you cleared the area move on towards the marker
The first of many, use the elevator to move on
If there is a large wave of enemies there is probably explosives near them to kill them all with it
Shoot the explosives to destroy the windows
Go through the doors on the end of the catwalk


Go through the door
Take the machinegun
And now use it to drop hell on your enemies
Elevator time
Go from cover to cover and shoot the boss when its not shooting you


Go across the bridge
After you are done with shooting things in your way go in to the elevator
Kill the 2 guys instead of trying to destroy the entire, uhm, flying platform


Start making your way towards the marker and kill aliens in your way
Continue what you were doing
If you want, there is a sniper rifle next to one of the boxes, but I prefer a shotgun and riffle
Again, walk towards the objective and kill more aliens
Use the console and get ready to fight
There is going to be a lot of this things, just stay in cover and shoot them, but also hope to god that they don't turn you in to swiss cheese
After that, go and destroy the reactor
Shoot it and go back out


Oh god, more enemies, if you aren't sick of the artifical dificulty yet, you will start soon, go and clear the aliens and continue to the objective
Don't get too close to him so you don't burn yourself, kill him and the fire will magicly disapear
Turret type of thing, shoot at the red part to destroy it
After you clear the area a part of the platform will drop so you can move on
More generic fighting, go in to cover and take them out one by one
Easy boss, shoot him and when go starts flying run around like a mad man to avoid the bullets


Use the machine gun to clear the enemies and be quick because this si the point where the artificial dificulty really kicks it, they will melt you if you're not quick enough
There are lots of explosvies in this area, try to shoot them first and then kill those that survive
Get on to the other one
As soon as you see the tanks start shooting
And the moment it explodes turn around and destroy the one on the other side
Try to kill them before you are next to them, the platform might block some bullets when you're next to them, aim around the area that holds the platform to the rail
Clear the area and move on
Boss time
Stay behind cover and shoot him, as he gets near start going around your cover
Destroy the generators so he doesnt heal


Kill aliens in your way and go towards the marker
Use the pad next to the door to open them
Another elevator
A few turrets, shoot the red area
Boss time, same as all, take cover and shoot him
He will try and fix himself after he takes a certain amoung of damage


Now we start off with an elevator
New toy, go in to the mech
The flying platform hurts A LOT, stand below it so they can't hit you and unload in to it
Go around and kill aliens
Shoot the explosives to drop a bridge for yourself
Shoot the yellow rocket pads on its shoulders
Then the glowing yellow area on its chest
And then some more


Make your way to the marker and kill aliens
Yes, that is another elevator
Clear the area
Lots of rocker ammo in the area, use it to destroy the mech, and yes you go in to an elevator after that
No you don't get to go outside
Shoot the explosive to get to the next area and finish the level


Guess what, run to the marker and kill enemies
Its a boss
Just run around to avoid the fire and put lots of bullets in to him
After that more run and gun


Shoot the things that have big markers around them
Shoot the explosives to kill all of them
Use the console and move on


Drop down, kill enemies
After you're done killing go to the consoles on both sides and use them to drop the force field stopping you from getting to the next area
Kill this one guy and go to the chair
Go around and click each of the consoles
Don't touch the orange things they will kill you
Drop down and massacre the aliens
Again boss time
Stay in cover and shoot him, just like all the others


Final boss
Clear the area
And then fight the boss
After you repeat that twice its time to make run for it
Disregard all enemies and run
Congrats, your friends are going to come for you know and you're safe

Alien Rage was able to grab me almost right away based on its visuals alone. For an indie shooter I was immediately impressed by the visuals and fluidity of the game's movement. There was even a really interesting fiction set up by a beautifully rendered opening video.

Unfortunately, that luster didn’t hold up after playing the game for an extended period. I have always been a huge sci-fi fan and space themed games developed by small teams charm my tastes, so I am always willing to give anything in the genre a shot. While the game is a sound and competent shooter, there are just too many issues that hold it back from standing out in an over saturated genre.

Alien Rage feels like a multiplayer focused game with a single player build around it, both being optional gameplay options. The story involves the human colonization of a meteorite filled with precious minerals. At some point after, an alien species shows up to colonize with the humans and share the minerals.

The peace however doesn’t last because the aliens suddenly destroyed the human miners. Your character is later sent in to assess the situation.

The story set up is actually kind of interesting and there is potential for a fresh sci-fi series but the campaign never picks up, leaving you to desire much more. There isn’t a lot of writing but what is there is usually pretty bad.

There is even a point when a boss character quotes 'Scarface' in the worst way. The story only seems to exist to serve the environment and it’s unfortunate that more time wasn’t spent building a fiction. The gameplay is your standard shooter format. You have guns and grenades used to take down hordes of enemies, although in this game hordes aren’t the case, Alien Rage seems more focused on close quarters combat. There are ten different guns in the game (human and alien) and are actually really fun to use. Next to the visuals the guns are maybe the best part of Alien Rage.

If it says 'No Data Found', you are in it.The best you can do from there is email NK support, they might be able to do something. I've recently noticed an overflow in the amount of hacker report threads and similar.To keep the general discussions clean, just post all your complaints here.I would also appreciate a pin so we don't have to necro it.Make sure you link the Battles TV replayTo do this, go to the main menu.Go into Battles TV.Go into the section called 'My Replays'Find the match you want to use as proof.After viewing the match, you'll see that at the bottom where the pause button was, there will be a square with an arrow pointing upwards.If you click that, your replay link will come up. Bs hacker replay videos 2017. To copy it, click the clipboard symbol on the right.Also, if you are experiencing a lot of hackers in your games, you may have been put in the hacker pool.To check if you are in it, go to the weekly leaderboard.

Human weapons include assault rifles and shotguns, as well as their alien counterparts, but every gun has an alternate fire some of which are legitimately incredible the first time you use them. The titular aliens are pretty simple armored bipedals and nothing you haven’t seen over and over in a game like Halo but shooting them down feels satisfying enough. There isn’t much depth to the gameplay and no attempt at any kind of interesting hook either. It all just feels rather generic and when you’re making a shooter with less focus on story and more focus on gameplay, you should probably make sure that the gameplay is solid. Alien Rage fails to commit either way.The multiplayer isn’t really a lot to brag home about either. It’s hard to tell how expansive it is because no one is really playing but all of the matches I played were maps that were a little too much of a maze and not enough encounters with actual players.

When I actually found someone, that encounter lasted five seconds at most. One thing to note about Alien Rage is that you feel extremely fragile as a character.

The campaign is brutally hard for this reason. You are given boosters that you can equip but that still didn’t stop me from getting completely frustrated from dying over and over again through the single player. The balance in this game feels way off and takes a lot of potential fun away from the player. The visuals of Alien Rage are easily the best part. When I booted up the game the first time I was ready to give it five stars for the graphics alone!

The game looks and feels like a throwback to the old Unreal Tournament days in its visual representation and speed. The game moves quickly and looks flashy doing so and if the gameplay matched then this could have been a great multiplayer shooter.

The game is worth seeing but not exactly worth playing. There are some well realized space environments and a lot of bright and interesting lighting going on. The game has a flash futuristic look that I really enjoyed but it was really the only enjoyable thing about the game. Aside from some well realized visuals, Alien Rage offers almost nothing new to the genre and is so difficult that even the single player is completely avoidable. There are some things that Alien Rage does right when it comes to the visuals and atmosphere (which are honestly fantastic) but for the things it does right, the gameplay is not one of them and it winds up just being a frustratingly unimpressive experience.

There will be a small audience for this game I’m sure but most should just let this game pass them. So the one thing about Alien Breed is that the game is kind of boring and if you aren’t a fan of the old game there really isn’t anything here to bring anyone new to the mix. Even going back to the game, it was hard to stay focused and want to keep playing. This package is a love letter to those who really enjoyed the original game and it doesn’t seem to be targeted towards anyone else really.

Alien Breed is a decent package and great love letter to a classic arcade game but that’s all it manages to be. The inclusion of multiplayer goes a long way to make this package worth the price but if you are looking for something more in depth you may want to look elsewhere. Forge has a lot of ideas within it and executes some of them to the fullest extent.

The gameplay, while not perfect, is highly enjoyable when playing with a team that is willing to work together, rather than fight for themselves. A lot of the customization is only attribute-based, which leaves out the looting and collecting that full-fledged MMOs have, but there is promise for loot down the road. Similarly, the ability to make a clan is missing but promised later on as well. That seems to be the main drag with Forge: a lot of the things that seem interesting and fulfilling are being promised at an unknown later date.