вторник 21 апреляadmin
Along Together Opposites 5,6/10 8222 reviews

Illustration of opposites alone and together.. Download thousands of free vectors on Freepik, the finder with more than 5 millions free graphic resources. Opposite of together at the same time. Opposite of toward or at a point lying in advance in space or time. Opposite of into a position of prominence or notice. Opposite of in front of or from one side to the other of. Opposite of toward or at a point lying in advance in space or time. Opposite of in the long direction of an oblong object.

Everyone loves the classic Romeo and Juliet story. Nearly every love story has two people from different worlds coming together who could not be more different. And I can’t be the only one who has heard the phrase “opposites attract”, but according to psychological research, opposites don’t attract at all.

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Do opposites really attract?
According to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, no study to date has every found evidence to support the idea that opposites attract. According to a study done by Byrne, the greater the similarity between husband and wife, the higher their reported marital happiness. Of course this is an observational study, and therefore we cannot determine that similarity causes marital happiness as there could be a third variable, but there is a positive correlation between the two.
But, according to a study done by Griffit and Vietch, by looking at personality profiles of 13 unacquainted men, the researchers could predict, with better than chance, who the guys would become friends with and who they would dislike after confining them in a fallout shelter. Of course, the experiment has a very small sample size which often yields unreliable results, and there is the matter that friendship and romance are two very different things. With that said, it is comforting that this experiment continues to support the data found by other researchers.
According to an article from Kansas State, the main reason why opposites may be attracted to each other is because they are searching for someone to fill a void in their personality. For example, if someone is very introverted, then they are likely to be attracted to someone who is extraverted because they are really searching for that within themselves.
In my opinion, two birds of a feather really do flock together.When people are similar, they have similar outlooks on life, and therefore get along together better. Plus, all of the scientific evidence thus far, supports this stance. I think that the romanticism behind the opposites attract idea is the idea that anyone can do anything and that anyone can be together if they really want to.
So what do you guys think, do opposites attract or do two birds of a feather flock together?