четверг 19 мартаadmin
Sim Airport Baggage Hub 8,5/10 1036 reviews

User Interface – Sim Airport. At launch, SA had a graphical user interface that was a little on the ugly side, and probably a bit too close to Prison Architect’s. After many updates, it is now far more stylish and still much easier to use than ACEO’s.




How many people would be in an area?
How big my check-in buffers need to be?
What should be a good size for my corridors?
What size for my lounge area?
What is the impact of having 15 minutes connection between T2 and T1?
Would it be a good option to add a shuttle for terminal connections?
Do we need common check-in groups or check-in groups per flight?
What is the forecast for retail?
What would be passenger remaining time at gate with a specific configuration?
Do we need first class check-in common counters?
What is the demand for the future Baggage Handling System (BHS)?
What is the demand in trolleys?
PAX2SIM provides the visibility for answering such questions. It helps defining the needs in surface with the queue occupation statics and throughputs in corridors.
PAX2SIM allows evaluating several terminal configurations. Such as including security check points groups in order to reduce passengers waiting time. Split operations for international and national flight…

How many security agents are needed per period of time in my international terminal?
What is the impact of reducing the number of security check doors?
What is the impact of liquid detection in my process?
How to allocate resources better?
How many security check points are needed for avoiding waiting times over 10 minutes?
What if several Jumbo flights land at the same terminal at the same period?
Where to allocate better Jumbo flights?
Impact of increasing number of check-in kiosks?
Planning is often done using static analysis with Excel sheets. PAX2SIM allows measuring impact of planning using a dynamic simulation engine. Each passenger is independent. Their process times depend on the number of people in the queue and resources availability.
PAX2SIM provides the show-up profile of combined flows. These profiles allow evaluating necessary resources.
Do we need common check-in groups or check-in groups per flight?
How to optimize waiting times?
Do I need more resources for today?
How to open my desk?
What are the connection impacts of reallocating a group of flights to another terminal?
How many agents for first class counters?
How long is the peak period?
Input data is flights based. Improving operations is possible in order to anticipate the terminal demand for a day. Operational managers will be able to cope better with peak periods.
How many passengers would enter the terminal per period of time?
How many bags would enter the BHS?
How many people would be in the public area?
How many trolleys would be used?
Peak Analysis is helpful for defining the average demand at departure and arrival. Peak analysis also provides number of bags, friends in the public area and trolleys in use.
PAX2SIM peak analysis functionality would help you to replace Excel sheets including advanced VBA code.
Statistics are generated from flight plans and passenger behaviour. It provides number of passengers, bags, friends and trolleys, per periods of 15 minutes.
PEAK ANALYSIS allows validating input data before performing dynamic simulation.

Sim Airport Baggage Hub

Robo recall free download. SHORT-TERM, MID TERM, LONG TERM PLANNING

PAX2SIM allows sizing the airport on passengers frequenting information and generate trends. A schedule of passenger arrivals is generated with any passenger characteristics on a given period of time. It forecasts resource needs taking into account resources capacity and occupation. It remains a good alternative to MS-Excel spreadsheet. By manipulating only familiar data such as flight plans, planners access passenger terminal simulation, which is currently an activity reserved exclusively to experts.

Integrated with Airport Information Systems data, PAX2SIM technology is used by Airport Planners for short-term, mid-term and long term capacity planning. It also helps infrastructure manager to justify ideas for a new terminal project at the passenger and baggage side.

Counting solutions such as Blue Eye Videos technology can be used to collect data and feed PAX2SIM with the right parameters to tune forecasts and provide best visibility in the future.