вторник 14 апреляadmin
SpaceEngine 7,5/10 8993 reviews

26 December, 2014 -HarbingerDawnThe latest version of SpaceEngine has been released! It adds many new features, including Oculus Rift support, 3D TV and anaglyph 3D support, joystick and gamepad support, and a lot of updates and improvements to the program.

Intellivision imagic games. You control a laser cannon at the bottom of the screen, and need to destroy wave after wave of brightly colored demons. Developed byReleasedAlso ForPublished byPerspectiveSettingGenreGameplayVisualDescriptionDemon Attack is an arcade action game with gameplay similar to. When you shoot a demon, it will be replaced with another or will split into two smaller demons depending on which wave you are playing. The demons bounce around the screen in bizarre patterns, and try to destroy your cannon with bombs or lasers. When the required number of demons for the current round is finally destroyed, you can move on to the next, more difficult round.From Mobygames.com.

Click en.spaceengine.org to see a changelog and download it. Many of these features would not have been possible without donations, so thank you very much to everyone who donated.This will be the last major release before Steam support is added. SpaceEngine is a scientifically accurate and photorealistic 3D space simulator that models the entire Universe. It lets you explore any object that can be found in space - stars and galaxies, planets and moons, asteroids and comets, black holes and neutron stars. You may fly between the mountains on an alien planet, watch the sunrise and dancing aurora, then take off and fly to a neighboring moon to land in a huge crater.

SpaceEngine is a realistic virtual Universe you can explore on your computer. You can travel from star to star, from galaxy to galaxy, landing on any planet,. SpaceEngine is a 1:1 scale science-based Universe simulator, featuring billions upon billions of galaxies, nebulae, stars, and planets, all shown at their full real-world scale. Explore Earth and our neighboring worlds in the Solar System, orbit a black hole in a galaxy billions of light-years away, or visit anything in between seamlessly, with no transitions.

You may leave the solar system and fly through billions of stars, each of which is a fully modeled planetary system with hundreds of objects - planets, moons, and asteroids. You may approach and land on each and every celestial body and see its 3D landscape. You can even pilot starships and atmospheric shuttles. You may go out from our Galaxy and choose any of billions of other galaxies to explore.Currently SpaceEngine is the first interactive science-based planetarium with procedural generation used for unknown areas and photorealistic graphics, awailable for Windows.

Our first goal is improve the planetarium's capabilities - you can learn about planned features forum.spaceengine.org. Our second goal is to make an online space exploration game, where players may control huge starships and explore the Universe, collect resources, build new ships and colonies, and share discoveries and technology with each other.

Game mechanics in a realistic virtual Universe will be realistic too - read more below. ControlsThe observer is free to move around the universe.

Transition between any celestial body and any scale occurs seamlessly. Moving in space is done using the WASD keys, like in First Person Shooters. 'Select and fly' autopilot: click on any object with the mouse and hit the 'G' key to automatically go directly to the object.

Automatic binding of the observer to a moving object and automatic selection of optimum flight speed. Time control: ability to accelerate, decelerate, or reverse the flow of time. FightFight with other players with realistic physically-based mechanics. No slow car-like speeds, antigravity and force shields, only Newtonian physics on real space scales. Huge space velocities (tens of kilometers per second) and crushing acceleration (tens of 'gees'), fire distance of thousands of kilometers.

Automatic unmanned combat ships equipped with kinetic weapons, x-ray lasers, and antimatter bullets. Indirect strategy-like control of the fleet, with ability to take direct control of any unit and pilot it manually in first-person or third-person mode.