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Clockwork Empires Walkthrough 9,6/10 6696 reviews

Clockwork Empires for PC game reviews & Metacritic score: Assume the role of a Junior Bureaucrat (Colonial Grade), sent forth to seek fame, promotions, and natural bounty to feed the ravenous maw of Imperial Industry &. And that's how it goes in Clockwork Empires. It's a colony-building simulation that's at its most interesting when the comfy clockwork of daily life gets jammed and things go almost literally to Hell.


The Clockwork Empire is expanding! Brave people, seeking glory and wealth, are setting forth for uncharted lands in search of fame and fortune. This is a new age of Science – fearless naturalists, clever tinkerers, and brilliant inventors hold sway over the imagination of the common folk, wielding voltaic energies and constructing chromed brass clockwork engines. Vindictus review. It is an age of The Arts – poets lie expiring on every street corner, crying for Reform and more laudanum, while the Empire Times spews forth from the great presses of the Capitol, filled with stories of inspiring hubris and adventure from The Colonies. It is an age of Trade – the many arms of the Imperial Chartered Antipodean Trading Company lurch across the oceans like the limbs of a commodity-crazed octopus, dredging untapped markets for wealth and glory. It is an age of Politics – scheming agents of the Empire skulk through the slums and grottoes of the colonies, dodging anarchist schemes and cultists’ rituals, and fulfilling secretive missions on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen. Meanwhile, in the Capitol, favours are curried in the Houses of Parliament and the Panopticon between the artistocratic Lords and the rising classes of Industrial Barons.

But not all is well in the Empire. Strangers gather under lampposts and in bars, telling stories of Those That Live Beyond The Stars, operating in invisible geometries from another dimension. The Queen, some whisper, has been locked away at the behest of her own Prime Minister… but to what end? The Church of the Holy Cog prays for the salvation of the Empire, yet everybody fears the indescribable colors that trace lines through the darkest woods and beyond the reassuring glow of the gas-lamps. The fortunes of the Clockwork Empire are watched, silently, by unseen eye-clusters and malevolent entities trying to breach the walls of reality into this world.

Take on the role of a Junior Bureaucrat (Colonial Grade), sent forth to seek fame, promotions, and natural resources to feed the ever-hungry maw of industry and commerce. Build mighty colonies, fill them with magnificent factories and tortured machinery, and harness the power of steam and energies brought forth by determined, unregulated men and women of Science!

Glory is yours to seize; the world is yours to do with as you please. For fame and fortune, for Science, and for the Queen and the glory of the Clockwork Empires!

Game Play


  • Dynamic, city-building, citizen-simulating action. Every imperial subject has a purpose and agenda of their own, and their interactions are rich, exciting, and often lethal!
  • New “procedural extrusion” technology lets you design your colony the way you want! Buildings are procedurally generated and extruded directly from the aether to your specifications!
  • Tame the uncharted continents by land, sea, and air! Set forth in mighty Zeppelins to do battle with Sky Pirates, or take to the seas in search of fortune and probably sea serpents!
  • Create magnificent acts of plumbing, link together mighty gears, and build ominous Megaprojects!
  • Tangle with the machinations of malevolent entities! Scry the legacy of the Invisible Geometers, fumigate the baleful moon-fungus of the Selenian Polyps, and cleanse the scuttling creepiness and poor personal and moral hygiene of your everyday, average cultist.
  • Losing is still fun! When your colony fails miserably, earn medals, promotions, and titles as befits a true politician and scion of the Empire!
  • Multi-player mode, with up to 4 players, lets you co-operate with your closest friends to build a glorious city… or fight a horrifying economic battle to total annihilation!
  • Round-Robin mode lets you share your Clockwork Empires with friends! Take turns running a colony directly into the ground then argue for fun-filled hours about whose fault it was! (Like Monopoly but with more exploding Zeppelins!)
  • Rendered in glorious GaslampVision! Thrill as the colours are brought to life by Gaslamp’s team of caffeine-addled artists labouring under the technical specifications of our elite programmers* to bring you a game that is rendered in Each of the Three Dimensions! New multi-core technology by Actual University Students lets you use every last ounce of power in your computer to run a thrilling and vivid simulation!
  • Featuring the new Dynamic Soundtrack Orchestra – the Soundtrack that Adjusts to Your Gameplay! (Mr. M. Steele, conductor)
  • No always-online DRM requirement, unlike certain other games we don’t want to mention. You know who you are and your mothers are very disappointed.
  • Comes complete with the Gaslamp Games Quality of Excellence that you know and love, and if you don’t like something you can mod it yourself in the best tradition of Empire Craftsmanship!

Buildings are built by dragging the blueprint of the building across the grid on a flat section of ground and filling it with modules. They can be any shape or size you wish, provided you have the proper materials to build them. The icon for the building will be highlighted in the menu if you are able to do so. Buildings can be demolished by clicking them and press the 'demolish building' button.Buildings have a certain amount of hit points and will be destroyed if this amount reaches zero.

As of Alpha 50 there is no way of repairing damaged buildings. Unfinished buildings can't be targeted by Enemies. The Barracks is a building that can be constructed by colonists.

Work Crews can be assigned as militia by assigning them to a barracks. Each work crew needs its own barracks. They start out with brown coats, but they will train and after a while they will don red coats and have somewhat improved stats.At your colony's humble beginnings, your militia would carry a pistol as a default weapon, which isn't quite the top equipment. To arm your militia with something more deadly, manufacture other weapon lockers and place them into your Barracks. Don't forget to produce some ammo for these weapons. When done, open your barracks management window and select the weapon you want to choose for your brave soldiers. Additionally you can assign your squad to the day shift or the night shift.

Trade Office enables trading with other factions or with Clockwork Empire traders. This office does not use a workplace slot and you don't need to assign a Work Crew to it. You will need to decor it to attract larger groups of traders.Currently it is not possible to improve the price of the items, you can however dramatically increase your wealth by producing finished items out of raw materials. Raw food and cooked food is not tradable, tinned and canned products can be traded.A list of tradable products is always accessible in the Trade Office. When traders arrive, their goods appear in the Trade Office as well, allowing you to barter the desired materials. The amount of foreign traders in a trade group (and therefore the variety of goods) depends on the improvements in your trade office; it starts with 4 traders and can grow up to 14.

The Mine is an office that allows for the extraction of minerals from deep in the ground, introduced in Revision 35. Like the Chapel, it is an 'office' type building, which does not allow the assignment of specific jobs - rather, the Work Crew assigned there will automatically go about the duties associated with that building.The mine allows the construction of the Mineshaft Module MK I, which take the form of a large mine elevator attached to one of the mine's flat edges. Members of the mine's work crew will enter the module and disappear for a time. Mine's should be built on areas where a Naturalist has identified valuable deposits, such as Hematite, Malachite, Sphalerite, Sulphur, etc.

Most of the time miners will bring up the resource the mine was built over, but from time to time they'll bring up random substances like clay, peat, and sand. The Naturalist's Office turns an assigned Overseer into a Naturalist, which can either explore surrounding area, identify nearby mineral deposits or hunt wild animals. They can do either activity automatically or you can assign them particular spot to survey for minerals or particular animal to hunt.Naturalist offices do not require any additional module to scout the area. They however require Standing Desk and Stacks of Paper for surveying for minerals, or Improvised Musket Locker and Stone Pellet Ammunition for hunting animals. Note that other weapon lockers or Bureacrat's Desk do not appear to be usable in Naturalist's Office. Chapel is a place to worship the Holy Cog in all its glory. Until recently, the Empire would offer to send a Vicar to the colony upon completion of a Chapel.

Now, the Overseer of any Work Crew assigned to the Chapel becomes the new Vicar.Colonists can go to the chapel to confess their sins or listen to the Vicar give a sermon, if he is around to do so. This makes your colonists happy, and helps keep them sane.A place of worship for members of the Church of Divine Mechanics; fights malign influence and improves colonists' moods. Training Academy is a place to train your overseers in certain skills without having them to do menial jobs.

It requires at least one bookshelf for each member of an overseer workforce and will produce one additional training if a fancy bookshelf is available increasing total skill gain by one third in comparison to normal bookshelfs. It requires Paper Bundles gained from Stack of paper to work. The amount of training can also be doubled if Buckets of Ink are available.The training academy can increase skills in these skill categories:. Offworld trading company trainer. Carpentry.

Naturalism. Smithing. Stoneworking. Cooking.

Science. Farming.