суббота 11 апреляadmin
Simutrans Hong Kong 9,3/10 5038 reviews

SimTrans is an online transaction manager that bridges the gap between SigmaNEST and your other business systems. Real-time processing and feedback automates your shop floor process, so that you don’t have to worry about the details.SimTrans facilitates communication between different systems through database transactions. When you enter a new order into your MRP system, the information is automatically communicated to SigmaNEST in real-time. This setup allows you to track your work orders through real-time updates and feedback. You can even check up on SimTrans through any platform, including Windows, macOS Linux, iOS, and Android-based devices.

Simutrans hong kong restaurant

While your MRP or ERP systems are usually installed on large, centralized servers, SigmaNEST is normally installed on individual workstations. SimTrans typically runs in the background on either a workstation or a server, where it acts as the transaction manager between both systems, regardless of platform.The diagram shows the data flow from the customer through the sales, order processing, and engineering systems. SigmaNEST functions at the center of manufacturing operations, maintaining its own database of parts, work orders, and inventory. SimTrans then facilitates internal information transfer between SigmaNEST, the database, and all other business systems.


Home of Simutrans community. The main forum language is English, but also we have subforums for other languages: Czech, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch. Steam Workshop: Simutrans. Hong Kong & Macau heightmap for Simutrans. Scale is around 80 metres per tile. For a smaller map you can.